hye guys...

here's the it did happen....
me and my office colleagues do play this game
a simple game that make us laugh out loud
and making fun to each other...
during office hour or after office hour.....
it has been recommended by one of our senior engineer...
he's the one who did gave us the idea about this game =)
credits to him

how to play:
i) have borak-borak with your friends
ii) trace any wrong words that spontaneously came out from your friend's
i.e: malam become maram or ape encik become ape tik
iii) list the word~~~who did score more than others they have to belanja to delete the errors

the story:
past few days ago, i did say that one of the team in World Cup is Costa Rica
and my fellas really enjoying that by laughing at me
seriously, i really have no idea at all
how Costa Rica did popped into my mind.....
till my fellas laugh out loud....and do the correction....
nurul, she's the one who did the list....
she's kinda excited on that time......hahahaha


so, after the unexpected occasion
i do a lot of research bout the World Cup~~~duh =)

on the same night, late night....
we worked out on our own tasks quietly at first floor
suddenly, came this fella....
he did approached one of our senior staff
and asked about the World Cup match......
he did looked at the schedule..
pop!!!!he popped out the same mistake that have been done by me~~~COSTA RICA
i did jumped out from my chair.....and laugh as loud as i could
said that "haha salah la!!!mane ade COSTA RICA"..... =p

so, i did replaced nurul for her duty...(only for that night)
list the words....huhuhuhu...

but, dengan rase tak puas hati (that fella),

kaki orang kene pijak dengan sekuat hatinya....ouch~~~duh

i do feel the relief....sebab ade org lain salah jugak..

so guys, it's kinda fun game to play....
doesn't cost anything.....
just listen carefully.....
till now, all kind of weird/rare words can be found in our LIST.....
and yet till one of us do the BELANJA thing...hahaha

ok guys
see ya miss ya love ya

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